project cost management - add module to add job type - add module tax percentage - add select category in add estimate category dropdown menu - ESTno auto gen EST00001_2019 - job code should be auto gen - add field job type. It should be a drop down. - add field tax percentage drop down in project modue -> invoice - check add and edit project. estno and jobcode can not be edited/updated. - add select category in add invoice category dropdown menu - populated users drop down based on user type selected in project -> Users -> Assign Users using ajax - Add GST No field in client add,edit and list pages - create login for dilip as admin - Logout function fixed - Created APK for PCM project - created login view for sales manager, only projects module a sales manager can see. - Invoice edit page is not working correct the tax calculation as the add page. - Remove syntax error on project estimate page - Admin login. Hopefully it is because of users not assigned. - Add button on Estimate module in sales manager login to Approve Estimate and Move it to Projects module when finalized. - Check when a header is deleted by sales manager is deleted permanently or not? It should not be deleted permanently. - Allow Sales managers to send Estimate to any other sales manager. This will create a new Estimate for the other sales manager. This will be completly separate Estimate. - sales manager should view estimate section and also able to create projects. - Remove records with value 0 from excel sheet - Calculate total in excel download - add % icon on estimate add page sales manager module. Also check if its working as % calculation or not. - Add Place of supply and SAC/HSN fields in client module - Remove rows from excel sheet download which have zero - create logins for the sales managers - Edit Estimate page similar to Create Estimate - Remove time from datetime on edit project page - Sales managers can also add headers and sub headers at any point of time of a project. - when save project, check duplicate estno. if exist re generate estno and insert into the database. estno can not be duplicate. - when save project, check duplicate jobcode. if exist re generate jobcode and insert into the database. jobcode can not be duplicate ///////////////////////////// 12th March 2020 - on sheet put check on total field at the place of first column - add % sign in fees - Remove 50% clause line from excel download - activate po no text box on project module sales manager login - po date manual - Same Estimate number is assigned to multiple projects by multiple users. - Add HSN Code on estimate create and Edit. HSN code will not be fixed for any client. Remove hsn code field from client add form. Update hsn code on excel sheet too. - remove supply place from client. Add it in estimate same as hsn. - error on excel download when click on project name - Add Estimate module in admin section too. - Add Kind Attention field where hen field is. It will be a text field for adding name. - agency fees can be blank. - Populate Brand when select client drop down in create and edit estimate - Create dashboard for field executives - Always keep a check for duplicate Estimate no in projectestimatetable and project table ////////////////////////////////// - Add category and sub category in left menu - Freeze fields on the Estimate module Edit page - sales manager login - Update PDF download in sales manager login - Allow to add Brand Manager Designation while pdf download but before that check it because the designation of the brand manager is add or not in user module in admin login. If added take designation from there and no need to allow to add designation on pdf download by sales manager - Add user id and user type in invoice table so that we can know which invoice is for which user. Also add a field for uploaded by which will show which who uploaded the invoice and also add a field for invoice uploaded date and time. the login id field is already added in table for who is uploadding the invoice. - While add estimate check limit, limit should not be greater than estimate amount - Duplicate estimate can not be added for a category or sub-category. - Block/authenticate users to view,add,edit,delete the records which are not assigned to them - Once an invoice is verified by admin, it should not be edited or deleted by any one except admin - While invoice edit, the category drop down is not selecting the proper data. - A Sales Manager can not delete him self from project assigned user list. - Users tick mark on project list page - Allow .jpg and .png and .pdf file only on invoice add - Check this email id on cpanel - Activate Logout on the bottom left - Add log of users with ip address - Add function for sales managers to change their password - Admin login - Excel download should have all the rows no matter is there is any blank or zero in any row. - Create Operator / Project Executive Admin section. Project Executive can only upload and view invoices of the projects assigned to him. - Add checks on Estimate limit for sub headers. Display colored row or summary of limits in a table format - Allow to view all invoices uploaded. Invoices can be viewed by admin and sales managers. Project Executives can only view the invoices they uploaded. Also display the user name and details of the user who uploaded the invoice. - Check invoice upload by admin. It was not working for one user - Print Invoice in admin module. Also check mark if invoice is printed. - download csv of the project without expenditure for sales manager - Redmark the invoice - Red bar for the limit - password change through otp for users - log of every user who access the system - Add user Project co-ordinator